MPEC 2001-K13 : 2001 KR1
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M.P.E.C. 2001-K13 Issued 2001 May 19, 18:35 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2001 KR1 Observations: K01K01R* C2001 05 18.39451 17 18 57.77 +19 04 04.0 18.4 R 699 K01K01R C2001 05 18.40709 17 18 55.65 +19 04 32.3 699 K01K01R C2001 05 18.41968 17 18 53.54 +19 04 59.6 699 K01K01R C2001 05 18.43231 17 18 51.34 +19 05 27.0 699 K01K01R C2001 05 19.00466 17 17 16.16 +19 26 31.2 18.0 V 151 K01K01R C2001 05 19.00604 17 17 15.83 +19 26 34.5 18.5 V 151 K01K01R C2001 05 19.01441 17 17 14.61 +19 26 51.8 18.5 V 151 K01K01R C2001 05 19.01647 17 17 14.14 +19 26 57.7 18.2 V 151 K01K01R C2001 05 19.01900 17 17 13.74 +19 27 03.1 18.7 V 151 K01K01R C2001 05 19.21615 17 16 40.33 +19 34 25.1 18.4 R 649 K01K01R C2001 05 19.22361 17 16 39.06 +19 34 41.6 18.2 R 649 K01K01R C2001 05 19.22975 17 16 37.96 +19 34 55.5 18.2 R 649 K01K01R C2001 05 19.23414 17 16 37.17 +19 35 05.7 18.3 R 649 K01K01R C2001 05 19.59773 17 15 33.61 +19 48 44.4 18.4 V 402 K01K01R C2001 05 19.60175 17 15 32.87 +19 48 52.8 402 Observer details: 151 Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur. Observer M. Griesser. 0.40-m f/5.8 Hypergraph. 402 Dynic Astronomical Observatory. Observer A. Sugie. 0.60-m f/3.7 reflector + CCD. 649 Powell Observatory, Louisburg. Observers D. Young, R. Fredrick. Measurer K. Smalley. 0.75-m Newtonian + CCD. 699 Lowell Observatory-LONEOS. Observer B. A. Skiff. 0.59-m LONEOS Schmidt + CCD. Orbital elements: 2001 KR1 Epoch 2001 May 11.0 TT = JDT 2452040.5 Spahr M 300.48366 (2000.0) P Q n 0.69099212 Peri. 291.21037 +0.75175282 -0.53516051 a 1.2671285 Node 103.11632 +0.64825655 +0.70689776 e 0.8443307 Incl. 23.30596 -0.12095926 +0.46249193 P 1.43 H 17.6 G 0.15 From 15 observations 2001 May 18-19. Ephemeris: 2001 KR1 a,e,i = 1.27, 0.84, 23 q = 0.1973 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2001 05 11 17 34.86 +14 56.1 0.696 1.562 131.8 28.8 19.0 2001 05 21 17 11.23 +20 42.4 0.555 1.457 134.7 29.6 18.4 2001 05 31 16 26.55 +27 45.2 0.440 1.341 130.3 35.2 17.9 2001 06 10 15 07.58 +34 36.9 0.360 1.213 115.2 49.2 17.6 2001 06 20 13 13.20 +36 46.3 0.329 1.071 90.5 71.6 17.8 2001 06 30 11 21.32 +31 41.4 0.347 0.912 62.8 97.4 18.6 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2001 MPC M.P.E.C. 2001-K13
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